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Salto nel vuoto


"Salto nel vuoto on the stage of the Komedie Theatre" Zuzana Smugalova, www.tanecniaktuality.cz, 18 September 2005

Duets, solos and group choreographies give the viewer the opportunity to glimpse the micro world of each performer's potential movements. It should be noted that the dancers were perfect in their roles. Their presence and technique had the lightness and strengths of an aesthetic dance, as did the music of Jan Burian and the lights of Laurent Schneegans.

Zuzana Smugalova
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"Salto nel Vuoto" Jindka Kod-ckovo, www.divadlo.cz, 14 September 2005

Salto nel Vuoto does not weave a narrative but invites us into a spiritual space close to infinity. The show allows the dancers to exploit the movement to the intimate details of the heartbeat. Choreographic miniatures marked by calm and quest gradually lead to a clever group work. Jan Burian's music resonates like a setting without evoking the virtuosity experienced by the dancers. The viewer holds his breath, opens himself to fantasy and plunges into an empty space that is tinged with mystical secrets. It allows feelings to give birth to a state that lasts and continues ...

Jindriška Kodícková
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"Sauts dans le vide au théâtre Komedie" Jirí P. Kríž, Právo, 9 septembre 2005

With his six dancers Paco Dècina managed to create a suggestive dance show, looking beyond the human, seeking communion with the spiritual world usually eradicated from everyday life by stress.

After the small studies of the beginning, the destinies of the dancers become intertwined and the images gradually become emphatic, even at certain macabre moments, and this, in the postmodern atmosphere of the musical motifs of Jan Burian and Mikolas Ruzicka. The whole is powerful, suggestive, uninterrupted applause. Sometimes an internationally renowned artist goes unnoticed in the attractive setting of the city ...

Jirí P. Kríž
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"How sentiment develops an atmosphere" Jakub Jahn, Houser, September 1, 2005...

I had the opportunity to attend one of the last rehearsals and, alone in the empty room, I soaked in the frail movements of the dancers still without costumes. I had the impression that Salto nel Vuoto is above all a looking show. A show built with subtle movements that branch out into structured environments in a complex way. It is a show that enchants and demands attention, the personal fantasy of the viewer.

Jakub Jahn
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