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Valeria Apicella paolo Rudelli

© D.R.

Neti-Neti: Neither this nor that. In the Indian tradition Navnath Sampradaya, the analytical process that gradually leads to the negation of any name and form of which the world is made, in order to stand in the direction of the One.

I am for a stage of my search where I need to let escape all the words, the projects and the constructed ideas, to invent and plan in the body a "white space". A space dedicated to what is neither emotional nor psychological, free of the desire and the fear and in the listening of the "movement".
Any movement is change, and the change in a process of growth crosses, at the moment or in the other one, by a désolidarisation of the memory ( the material). The danced movement recovers from the tension enters a subtle energy which needs shape to constitute, and a compact organization which tries to evaporate ( the memory). The dance is so the place of the shape which looks for the freedom of without shape, it is a return in banks.
This fluence of the material, this freedom of the joints, this tactilité beyond the skin, which bring the world, are the subjects of this duet.

Paco Dècina
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